Monday, August 15, 2011

My Boys | Adelaide Newborn Photographer

I've been going to take these photo for weeks now but things just kept coming up or Ash was grumpy or the weather was bad and there wasn't enough light in our room.

Then yesterday the weather was beautiful and the light in our room was great, I get my camera out to do some test shots and what do you know the battery is almost flat and so is my spare but do you think I can find the charger no of course I can't.

I knew I had to get them done then or it was just going to be put off again.

Ash was going to start getting tired soon so I'm running around the house searching every room and couldn't find it anywhere, then just as I was about to give up I thought I'll just have a look in our walk in robe when I seen the box up on the shelf I just knew it was in there you wouldn't believe how happy I was.

So I half charged the battery and away we went, mind you it took a fair bit of bribing to get ash to stay on that bed. I'm so so happy with how they turned out I love them and there's even some that Brett likes of himself lol.

So anyway enough of my raving and on to the pictures - My Three Favourite Boys xxxx

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runa said...

Awesome shots!!These are too beautiful pics!!

Laura said...

beautiful pics


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